Downtown Enfield |
Known best for peanuts, the Halifax County town of Enfield is the oldest town in the county as it was settled in 1725 and founded in 1740. Enfield was originally known as Huckleberry Swamp; however, it would soon be renamed as Enfield. There are various stories on how the town received its name. Many point to Enfield, England as the source of its name. However, there are numerous other local legends including that the town's name came from two men conversing where one said, "
We are at the end of the field." The end of this field was the spot where the town was laid.
Enfield served as the County Seat of Edgecombe County until the formation of Halifax County in 1759. That same year, Enfield was also the site of the "
Enfield Riot" which was one of the first colonial protests against British rule.
In the late 19th century, Enfield established a tobacco market. Overtime, tobacco gave way to peanuts and Enfield was home to the world's largest raw peanut market for some time. the town celebrates peanuts annually with the
Enfield Peanut Festival which is held the first Saturday of October.